do what thou wilt..




we brought a roll of denim to our event as a part of ART HOP 2022 hosted by the lovely ladies at @kwfamous.
12oz natural bull denim hit with grey, brown and green leftover ink from @civilianscreenprinting
Then tagged and doodled on by local artists, spectators, friends and family. Even people in passing stopped to make their mark on this denim, using black brown and green paints to create a urban camo type collage. After construction, the garment is dyed using coffee to give a natural warmth to the brown tones. Hundreds of hands have blessed this material with their positive energy and creativity, which will be carried with the wearer forever ✨

It's my belief that it takes a collective consciousness to create good art. This piece shows that, we are all in this together. I appreciate all who were involved 🖤
